Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shutter Love Tuesdays

It is shutter love tuesday over @ Trendy TreeHouse and this weeks them is Weddings. I have only taken pictures at two weddings so my photos were limited this week. Even so, I STILL had a hard time choosing. I had one picture in mine but then when I looked at some of the other pictures already submitted, I saw the exact picture I was gonna post. Sheesh. that would have been embarrassing! haha SO I changed my mine and went with something nontraditional ( no surprise there since I do that every week it seems like! ) So here is my photo for the day and I hope at least ONE person likes it.

There were butterflies all over the place at this outside wedding. While trying to get a good shot of the bride and groom during the actual ceremony I saw this butterfly on the flower and thought it would be a good picture. I love how it came out! Go check out the rest of the entries and leave a comment and tell everyone which one is YOUR favorite!
