Monday, January 4, 2010

Gatesville Texas Court House

Our court house is really pretty any time of year but Christmas it is AWESOME. They light it up and every year I want to take pictures of it and never do. Before I had a tripod I tried and they wouldn't turn out because of the lighting. SOOOOOOOO I was determined this year to get some ( pictures of the court house that is. heehee ) and FINALLY had some worth sharing. I love how these couple turned out.

Here are some of the same pictures that I played around with

I also took some pictures of the ice shinning in the sun on Cody's car. I think it looks so pretty when the sun hits the ice!

And lastly, the sky on Christmas. The moon was cool because there was a full ring around the outside of it. Almost like a rainbow around the sun. In the picture it just kind of looks like it was the way I took the picture but the ring around it was actually there. I love the sky, day or night.

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